OKAY! just a simple one. haha.
ahh. o lvls. right now. haha. kinda busy doing some revision. but yeah, find time to update my blog, since it's kinda rusty already. kwang3. haha. yeah, chemistry & history is over.. left with others. haha. alright, wish me all the best.
& uh, i'm posting this to 2 of my great friends.
we'll miss you.
sofi & nana,
i don't know why you chose to quit, but we'll remember both of you definitely. you've brought kuningan up, & maybe your time is up i guess. yeah, we'll definitely miss the laughter, sadness & much more that we've got through together for the whole of 6 years. you've pulled me in, but then you're out. haha. oh well, i can't turn your decision. it's yours, you chose it. so, all the best you both of you. sofi, i'll miss your straight-forward comments, your funny & stoned actions & much more. haha. yeah, it's sad for those who've known you guys pretty well. we'll still be friends.. & sofi, gi cs sama2 uh beb! haha. yeah, & all the best for your o lvls man. we'll be friends no matter what.
you deserve it. you have no one anymore. now, you turned to curly-history cause there's no more of your friends who could tolerate your nonsense. i've had enough of your bullshits. yeah, i don't fucking care if you backstab us anymore & go tell whoever you wants.. cause i'm with her. you have no right to separate us. ohh, go & report to whoever you want.. cause i dont give a damn. almost everyone in kuningan hates you now, & i'll bet you'll still won't realise. haha. i'd wish you were out of kuningan, not sofi & nana. ohh, go to hell. i don't wish to write about you any further. it's just a waste of time.
yeah, that's all. bubye!